Friday, 30 August 2013

I'm back!!!

Been on and off the poetry scene but no one can keep me away for that long hoping to keep on writing away got high hopes more than ever in writing an short anthology unsure when the date of the final product will be finished but at the moment just trying to edit bits while I have the time!!! Job hunting has been very unsuccessful applied for admin and marketing jobs but no luck and things in the news are depressing me even more as I'm living off a tight budget very much artist style at the moment helping my boyfriend while I can whose definitely my Ying to my Yang! Love him loads and helping him to promote his rock band and get him the gig he so rightfully deserves. Things have been very unpredictable more up and down but I feel I'll get there in the end.

I finally managed to get a poetry night down at The Font Pub  in Leicester yesterday which I was really happy about met loads of cool people and read out two of my poems Nightmare In Nottingham which was more of a nostalgic look into the night where me and my mate was stranded in the streets, now how that happened was a real funny story and something we can never forget.  It was quite difficult to write and read to the audience but I felt I did it justice as it was a personal poem and can remember laughing at bits which included the *t-shirt smelling of cider, vomit and cigarette stains* but also brought back more the traumatic side of feeling the cold and not wanting to ever sleep or leave the place behind. The other poem I read out again a very personal poem was called Love With No Rules, which I have also read at The Western pub  and The Sound house venue a few weeks a go which was a cracking night too. The poem was intended to be sonnet on how I was feeling about my mate at the time but I just couldn't get the words down to key. I tried to focus on the feelings of taking things with caution and trying to back away from this idea of loving your best mate a concept not worth taking the risk. Some of the more emotional parts included ditching the sonnet style and writing what felt natural to me which included the growling and paper ripping something which I thought would show the frustration and add humour to the piece.

But on the whole the singers, beat boxers and poets were superb and I couldn't be any happier sitting in the quiet pub surrounded by candles, lovely people, chairs and my fave pint of Guinness beer so I'm going to come back to The Font next month for another poetry reading but my current poetry night coming will be in another fortnight which will be on the 10th September down at the Soundhouse, catch me there if you can. Check out my Facebook page. for updates, pictures and video's.